Tag Archives: memory impaired

3 Tips on Helping Elders Enjoy Holidays

The holidays are a time when the entire family comes together. This is also the perfect time to check on the physical or mental well being of older relatives when they come over to visit from nursing homes for the holidays. If you are having older friends or family come over for the holidays, spend some time planning ahead to make their visit comfortable.

Here is a list of 3 tips to help your older relatives have an enjoyable holiday!

1) Prepare your home

Be weary of rearranging furniture. Simple changes can cause confusion or anxiety in seniors. Eliminate obstacles that may make it difficult to move around. Remove slippery rugs that could cause falls. It is also advised that you keep a quiet area available  where older family members can go to have a break.

2) Plan inclusive activities

Older family or friends whose memories are impaired might have problems recalling more recent events. To include them in the conversation, you can suggest that they talk about the past. You can use old photos, family videos, or music to help them recall the past.

3) Alcohol and Medicine

Even though the holiday season can be chaotic, it is important to encourage elderly relatives to stick to their regular medication schedule. It is also important to remind your older family and friends about the type of negative effects that alcohol consumption can have when mixed with certain medications.

Westland Clinic is a medical clinic or center that specializes in care for geriatric patients in Michigan.  On behalf of our office, we want to wish you a happy and safe holiday!

geriatric holiday