Tag Archives: october

New Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening

American Cancer Society Released New Breast Cancer Guidelines

In October 2015, the American Cancer Society released new guidelines for breast cancer screening. Breast cancer screening is to find a possible disease in women or men who don’t have symptoms.

New Guideline Recommendations;

  • Most women should begin receiving their yearly mammograms at age 45.
  • Women should be able to start breast cancer screening as early as age 40.
  • At age 55 women should receive mammograms every other year and women who want to receive mammograms each year should be able to.
  • Mammogram screening should continue through a women’s healthy life.
  • Breast Exams, from a medical provider or self-exams, are no longer recommended.

Our local Medical Clinics believe it is Important to Self Examine and to find Breast Cancer Early

At Westland clinic we encourage your mammogram screening each year. Although the American Cancer Society has moved the screening date to a few years later we highly encourage performing self breast exams well before. For more information on Mammograms or self exams contact Westland Michigan Medical Clinic. Talk to our doctors about breast cancer screening by age 40 and share your personal and family medical history to help determine if you have an average or high risk of developing breast cancer. Women who are at high risk should begin breast cancer screening earlier and more often.