Category Archives: Infections

Why You Must Get Vaccinated

Diseases that were almost extinct are resurfacing because people are not getting vaccinated. The measles is one of them. Symptoms for the measles can appear around 10 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. The symptoms for measles include fever, sore throat, runny nose, inflamed eyes, and dry cough. Other physical symptoms include a skin rash with large flat blotches and tiny white spots with light red centers inside of the mouth. The complications from measles includes pneumonia , ear infection, encephalitis, bronchitis or pregnancy problems. This all can be prevented by a simple vaccination.

vaccinations in MichiganThe new measles outbreak at Disneyland is raising questions about the measles virus and implications of vaccinations.  Vaccinations save lives! The benefits of vaccinations far out way the minuscule negative side effects from them. Before vaccinations in Michigan are given to children, they go under careful review by scientists and healthcare professionals to ensure that they are safe. The pain , redness, or tenderness at the vaccination site is minimal compared to the pain and discomfort from diseases. Getting vaccinated does not only protect you, but it protects the children who are not old enough for vaccinations. Get vaccinated at Westland Clinic in Michigan!



Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

As kids have returned to school, and infants or toddlers have returned to daycare, we have had many parents become concerned about Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. Many children in Michigan have developed this contagious disease, and we want to ensure you know what you should about Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease.

What is Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease?

Also known as HFMD, Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is most common among children or toddlers ranging from infant to five years old, although children off all ages can develop HFMD. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is contagious, usually infecting most children between spring and fall.

HFMD Symptoms

Early symptoms of HFMD include fever, sore throat, or hand-sanitizerreduction in appetite. You may notice your child seems to be feeling unwell. Within 24-48 hours, the mouth may develop painful sores, a flat red skin rash may appear on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands. Sometimes a blistered rash will appear on the buttocks, knees or elbow, this rash shouldn’t itch.

There is no prevention or treatment for HFMD. Most who have been infected will get better without medical treatment in 7-10 days. Majority of cases are not severe, but there have been reports of complications leading to other problems such as Menegitis. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is very contagious.

How is Hand, Foor, and Mouth Disease spread?

  • kissing, hugging, sharing utensils or cups
  • contact with blister fluid
  • touching surfaces or objects with the virus on them
  • sneezing or coughing
  • contact with feces

HFMD is most contagious during the first week that someone is infected. Some people, including adults who are infected may not show symptoms but can still spread the disease.

There is no specific treatment for HFMD or a vaccine to prevent it. You can help prevent the spread of this disease by disinfecting surfaces, frequently washing hands, avoid kissing or hugging those who may be infected, and avoid touching mouth, nose, or eyes without washing your hands before.

If you have any questions about Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease please contact our medical professionals at Millennium Medical Group. We will be happy to discuss your concerns!



Protect Yourself From the Norovirus This Winter!

Have you ever heard of the Norovirus? As we get deeper into the heart of winter, this serious stomach bug is popping up more and more, all over the country including right here in Michigan.

The Norovirus is not your average flu. It can infect both children and adults of all ages (although it tends to be more harmful to younger children and the elderly) and is extremely contagious. It is a winter bug, in which November-April is the period of the year in which it occurs the most.

Symptoms of the Norovirus include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Body weakness
  • Coughing
  • Diarrhea
  • Forceful vomiting
  • Muscle aches

In some rare cases, loss of taste can even occur. The virus can be transferred from person to person very easily. In most cases, people get infected with the norovirus by accidentally ingesting particles of stool or vomit from those already infected. This happens when people eat food or drink liquids that are contaminated with the norovirus, come in contact with people infected by it, or touch surfaces contaminated with it. Once contracted, inflammation of the intestines occur, which then leads to the above symptoms.

Just trying to clean up after someone who has become sick with the norovirus can lead to infection. There is also currently no prescribed treatment for the norovirus, so practice extreme caution when taking care of someone who has caught it. Doctors recommend using bleach when cleaning up after someone who has fallen ill with it.

The norovirus typically lasts for 2-3 days. It’s contagious for up to three days after symptoms have gone away, though, so those infected with it and those that are around someone who has been infected with it need to be very careful, even after the bug appears to have passed. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly (especially after changing a diaper or using the bathroom), wash all laundry thoroughly and clean and disinfect even more than you usually would to help prevent the bug from spreading.

To find out more information on the norovirus or to speak with a helpful member of the Westland Clinic staff, give us a ring at 734-728-2130 or contact us here!

Common Winter Health Issues to Monitor

The warmth and joy of the holiday season is great; almost everyone can agree on that. But along with all those snowflakes and comfy sweaters comes a slew of unwanted colds and health problems that frequently pop up during the wintertime. If you notice that you or one of your loved ones has been experiencing any unusual pain, take a look at some common winter health issues so that you can take the necessary steps to avoid or treat them as soon as possible!

  • Pneumonia – A common sneezingmisconception about pneumonia (a lung infection) is that you catch it because of the cold weather. This is actually untrue. Pneumonia is more common during the winter because people are indoors a lot and come in contact more often, which opens the door for germs to attack more aggressively than usual. Bacteria and fungus can cause pneumonia, so to keep a common cold from getting out of control, cough and sneeze into your sleeve, wash your hands a lot and consider scheduling a flu shot or a pneumococcal vaccine, which works well against most strains of pneumonia, this winter.
  • Acute Bronchitis – Irritation and swelling in the air passages of the lungs is known as acute bronchitis. It’s most common during the winter and can frequently stem from a cold or flu. Constant coughing is a typical symptom of bronchitis. By getting plenty of rest and drinking a lot of liquids (Adults – lay off the alcohol and cigarettes), acute bronchitis can usually be knocked out in the comforts of your own home.
  • Strep Throat – The winter air isn’t just brisk and chilly – it can also be very, very dry. And with dry air sometimes comes a sore throat. Severe sore throats, a heavy fever and enlarged lymph nodes can mean you have developed strep throat. It may hurt to swallow and you’ll likely experience some swelling with strep throat and sometimes it can lead to more serious complications if left untreated. To prevent it from getting worse, you may need some diagnostic testing done to see what type of antibiotics you’re going to need to treat it.

When eating a few cough drops just isn’t enough, the doctors at Westland Clinic are the ones to turn to when you’re feeling blue. Give us a call at 734-728-2130 for more info or fill out one of our patient forms today. Remember to practice healthy habits this winter and be careful shoveling that snow!

Flu Vaccines have arrived

Flu Vaccinations are in and every flu season is different. It is very important to receive your flu vaccine, healthy people can get sick from the flu and spread it to others as well. Getting your flu vaccine is important to lessen the chance of getting the seasonal flu and spreading it to others.

The flu vaccine works by causing antibodies to develop in the body two weeks after you receive the vaccination, these antibodies protect against infection with the viruses that are in the vaccine.

When people in the community get vaccinated against the flu, it will spread less through your community. Come see our doctors at Millennium Medical Clinic in Westland Michigan and Livonia Michigan and stay well this season.

Contact either Westland Clinic 734-728-2130 or the Livonia office 248-474-2220 today to get your flu shot.